Named for its bucolic long field, Longfield is a small farm nestled into a classic Connecticut landscape of rolling hills, valleys and woodlands. It has set an idyllic backdrop for building and growing in LF’s kitchen, cutting and ornamental gardens; for raising chickens, tapping maple trees and foraging in the woods; for, we like to think, bringing this suburban pocket of New Canaan back to some semblance of its past rural self.

Shaping, cultivating and tending Longfield has in turn shaped us as gardeners, growers, and, now, ‘farmer-florists’. As stewards of the land, we’ve learned to work with nature, not against it, embracing the simplicity of sustainable horticultural practices and following the rhythm of nature from garden to vase as well.

It is our great pleasure to share this special place and its bounty with you, with offerings that reflect this approach and all the passions and sensibilities that colour life at Longfield.

Meet Elisa

More often spotted in RM’s than heels, the flowers I grow and arrange with are a true labour of love. Coming to flowers from the garden, seasonality and sustainability are core to the work I do. But I feel that the real gift of these flowers is one they share with the natural world from which they came - borrowing from a favourite writer Rachel Carson, their ability to evoke a childish sense of wonder. Whether taking a seat ‘At The Table’, stopping by Dottie for a bunch, or entrusting me with florals for your event, my hope is that LF can stoke in you same awe, excitement and imagination as the gardens, farms and natural landscapes of your own past.